How CPEC Left Behind the People of Gwadar People
In May, senior US diplomat Alice Wells of South and Central Asia Reiterated her criticism of China's ambitious Belt. and Road Initiative (BRI). and the flagship project of China-Pakistan. Economic Corridor (CPEC) In response. the Office of Foreign Affairs (FO) in Islamabad promptly defended the CPEC. ensuring CPEC transparency and its visionary contribution to the country's development. But on the ground, fear and anxiety continued to grow in Gwadar.
Southern hub of CPEC
Which is more than 2,000 kilometers away from the capital Islamabad and away from the city of Quetta. Hundreds of kilometers from the provincial capital This remote fishing town received a deep sea port in the early 2000s and Gwadar people declared the southern hub of CPEC in 2014. Since then, Gwadar's economic potential. It has become the focus of debate in the national and international media. The people who live there are rarely mentioned. In particular, fishing communities account. for more than 70 percent of the region's population.
The population remained
Fishermen have lived in the oldest parts of Gwadar for centuries. Then, in early 2005, the Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) came up with a master plan. This is a new map for Gwadar showing the old areas annexed by the port. As a result, most of the old city's population relocated to a new area called Noken Mulla Bend. about 8km north of Gwadar, however, the other half of the population remained.
Basic necessities
When the plan called for merging part of the city. with the port Government officials began to ignore the city and its population. Contrary to GDA maps and designs. which show tall towers, buildings and beautiful infrastructure around Gwadar. this part of the city remains devoid of basic necessities such as water. adequate power supply. or wastewater treatment system. Gwadar and the surrounding area receive seasonal rainfall that fills the dam. But annual rainfall has also declined in recent years. which adds to the water shortage problem.
Palm trees and park project
The desalination plant proposed as a solution by the GDA and others has yet to help the population. meanwhile If it's raining Old communities will flooded with rainwater and sewage. This made the living conditions just a few kilometers from Gwadar Port miserable. The problem isn't limited to this part of the city, GDA, aside from the palm trees and park project near the office. and a beautiful road along the road leading to the port of Gwadar. Much of Gwadar is still a slum. Water from the sewer flows onto the road in some parts. while other parts are roads devoid of basic amenities advert.
Gwadar's cultural heritage
Many believe this is deliberate. It's part of a plan to persuade people to leave the area without the government trying too hard to evict them. but instead of leaving People began protesting. and demanding access to water, electricity and basic sanitation. Last year the approval of a new master plan for Gwadar ensured. that the old neighborhood would no longer relocated. and the old city will preserved as Gwadar's cultural heritage. Provincial government officials also discussed the annual book fair organized. by the Rural Community Development Council (RCDC) in March 2019.
Desalination plants
On June 16, the former minister of (Public Health. and Engineering) Mir Navied Baloch shared in a tweet about a meeting. he organized with GDA and PHE officials along with local activists. A decision taken by both the GDA. and PHE to deal with the waste water situation. and resolve the water supply problem by connecting the Swade Dam with the city of Gwadar. However, with the latest cut in the central government budget for Baluchistan (2020-21). projects in Gwadar will affected as much as the GDA and ongoing projects such as desalination plants. The new airports in Gwadar and others have allocated a very small proportion of the total cost.
Basic services in Gwadar
However, the problems in Gwadar are not limited to basic services. Every new development plan comes with new problems. For example, in 2018. one of the plans for the development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. The 19km expressway a direct link for cargo in. and out of Gwadar Port which connected to the Makran Coastal Highway. has again sparked controversy. Access to the sea for fishing boats This resulted in a new wave of protests by local residents.
Livelihood protection
Gwadar's fishing community leaders made a list of demands. by asking government officials to access the sea livelihood protection. and made special laws for them in the provincial assembly. The two most important needs are the construction of the 1500-
Also read: Gwadar today
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